Posts tagged cardiovascular exercise
3 Benefits of a Corporate Health & Wellness Program for Your Employees

We are currently living through a time called, The Great Resignation. Employees around the country are leaving their jobs in droves due to the rising cost of living, limited opportunities, lack of benefits and burnout. High employee churn is costly to businesses. It is estimated that replacing an employee costs anywhere from one half to two times that persons salary.

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Spring Into A New Fitness Routine At Trax Training & Fitness Center in North Haven, CT

You asked and we answered! Trax Training & Fitness Center in North Haven is now offering gym memberships! We are excited to announce that we will now have a brand-new gym space attached to our Personal Training facility, opening March 7th 2023.

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Reach Your 2023 Health and Wellness Resolutions at the New Trax Training & Fitness Center in the Scitico Plaza, Enfield CT!

It is officially 2023! About 38.5% of U.S. adults will set a new year’s resolution this year. The most popular resolutions for 2023 are living healthier, personal improvement and losing weight. If this sounds like you, our new Trax Training & Fitness Center in the Scitico Plaza in Enfield, CT can help you get on the right track and stick to your goals.

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Exercise To Lift Your Holiday Spirits: 10 Minute Workouts That Won’t Disrupt Holiday Plans

It’s the most wonderful time of the year but let’s face it, it’s also the most stressful time of the year. With holiday parties, cookie swaps, family visiting, cooking, cleaning, and gift shopping, you can find yourself overwhelmed. What if we told you that not only is it possible to add exercise into the mix, but doing so will help to improve your health and mood during this hectic time of the year? Intrigued? See how just 10 minutes of exercise can improve your holidays.

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Trick or Treat: Sneaky Ways to Be Healthy This Halloween

Can you believe that Halloween is just around the corner? According to the National Retail Federation, 69% of Americans plan to celebrate by carving pumpkins, handing out candy, and throwing a party. With the holiday primarily focused around eating sweet treats, it may be hard to believe that there are still ways to sneak in some health benefits.

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