Posts tagged Healthtrax
3 Benefits of a Corporate Health & Wellness Program for Your Employees

We are currently living through a time called, The Great Resignation. Employees around the country are leaving their jobs in droves due to the rising cost of living, limited opportunities, lack of benefits and burnout. High employee churn is costly to businesses. It is estimated that replacing an employee costs anywhere from one half to two times that persons salary.

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How Dehydration Affects Your Body Composition

You’ve probably heard or read about how you can survive for weeks without food but that you can only survive for days without water. Your parents probably told you repeatedly when you were young to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Water is known to help cleanse out the toxins in your body and to quench your thirst on a hot summer day. But what role does water play when it comes to body composition?

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5 Simple Things You Can Do on a Plane to Avoid a Stiff Neck, Sore Back, and Dead Butt

While summer travel often means plenty of fun and excitement, being stuck in 22B for hours on end can also trigger a slew of aches and pains (from a tight neck to a dead butt). According to Leah Dugas, a Tier X coach at Equinox Beverly Hills, the muscular woes of air travel all tend to boil down to one thing: a lack of movement. But fortunately, there are a few simple stretches you can do at 36,000 feet to help ease and prevent discomfort, so you can enjoy every second of your vacay to the fullest.

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10 Protein-packed Recipes With Only 5 Ingredients Each

Busy people don’t always have time to prepare time-consuming recipes with lots of ingredients. Searching high and low for obscure ingredients is rarely fun when you have a million other things to do. What you need are some simple, quick, high-protein recipes you can make with only a handful of ingredients.

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