Why Warmups and Cool-Downs Are Essential to Your Workout

Staying active and feeling good are key components to a healthy lifestyle. That means getting to the gym, participating in a group fitness class, or even trying new workouts such as yoga or Zumba. But a successful workout isn’t just about the workout itself—it’s what you do before and after.

Warming up and cooling down should always be part of your routine. The benefits can include everything from injury prevention to increased muscle gain—so why skip such an integral part of fitness? It’s common for gym-goers to forego a warmup or post-workout stretch because of time constraints, disinterest, or impatience. But here at Healthtrax, we know the benefits of taking your time when it comes to working out, and we’re here to help.

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How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions a Reality in 2023

With the New Year comes a great opportunity to start fresh and focus on healthy living. Fitness-related New Year’s resolutions can help you commit to healthy habits and get back into an effective workout routine after the hectic holiday season. But as life ramps up again after the holidays, it can be challenging to find time and stay motivated. Healthtrax is here to help you stick to your resolutions through January and beyond and make this your healthiest year yet.

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5 Tips to Staying Motivated During the Holiday Rush

'Tis the season for gift-giving, family gatherings, and delicious food. Although these events make this time of year so special, they can often prevent you from remaining on track to reach your current fitness goals. Unfortunately, once you fall off track, it becomes that much easier to delay your progress and inevitably say, “I’ll make it my resolution for next year”. Sound familiar? To avoid falling into this never-ending cycle, it’s crucial to learn how to make time for the gym and eat well along the way. Explore Healthtrax's tips to staying motivated this season so you can greet the New Year with excellent health.

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Thanksgiving Holiday Health Tips

When you think of November, chances are you think of turkey, mashed potatoes, and canned cranberry sauce overload- basically, you think of Thanksgiving. Although this is an exciting time to share with your loved ones, it’s also easy to fall off track of your current fitness goals. That’s why Healthtrax is offering five Thanksgiving healthy living tips so you can practice mindful eating and fitness during the holidays.

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