How Exercise Can Benefit Your Mental & Emotional Health

The benefits of physical activity go far beyond weight control, lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of diabetes. Regular exercise can keep your mind healthy as well. According to a Mayo Clinic study, staying active can help prevent and manage a variety of psychological conditions, including anxiety and depression, by giving you a much-needed mood boost, encouraging social interaction and helping you develop better sleep patterns, to name a few.

Helps Relieve Stress

A major benefit of fitness is the release of stress through physical activity. By increasing your heart rate, your brain becomes stimulated and produces neurohormones like norepinephrine, which improve cognitive function and the body’s ability to respond to stress. Your body also produces endorphins after a workout, those feel-good hormones associated with a runner’s high.

Quiets Your Mind

September is National Yoga Month, so why not practice finding your center? Regular yoga practice not only strengthens and tones your core muscles, it encourages mentally clarity, balance, and calmness. Paired with guided meditation, yoga can help quiet your mind and sharpen your concentration. Take advantage of Sun Salutations and alignment with yoga classes taught by certified instructors at select Healthtrax locations.

Regulates Your Sleep Cycle

If your mind is constantly keeping you up at night, or restlessness prevents you from falling asleep, exercise can be helpful. Physical activity has a calming effect and helps regulate your body’s internal clock, which determines when you feel alert versus when you feel tired. Experts recommend avoiding exercise too close to bedtime, as a post-workout high could actually keep you awake. Try working out at varying times throughout the day, then track your sleep patterns to see which schedule is most beneficial to your rest.

Boosts Your Immune System

There is a major link between physical activity and the strength of our immune systems. According to recent studies summarized in this New York Times article, even moderate activity was found to be beneficial to the immune system. Exercise also promotes good circulation, which can help the immune system do its job more efficiently and fight off virus-causing germs.

Helps Alleviate Anxiety

Anxiety is prevalent in the U.S., with one in five Americans over the age of 18 having been diagnosed with chronic anxiety disorder. According to the National College Health Association, college students feel the strain too during back-to-school season. Whether you suffer from chronic anxiety or find yourself in a stressful time, physical activity can have a positive effect on how your body handles anxiety. Not only does exercise divert your attention from whatever you’re anxious about, physical activity decreases muscle tension and activates the area of the brain that’s in charge of our response to stress. Your brain also releases mood-boosting chemicals such as serotonin, which can regulate your mood and behavior, appetite, sleep and even memory function.

Increases Self-Confidence

The physical benefits of exercise, such as weight loss and increased muscle tone, paired with reduced stress and anxiety can lead to major self-esteem boosts. Even if your goals are as simple as building endurance to go for a hike without feeling winded, these small wins build confidence and can affect how you feel overall, both physically and mentally.

Tips for a Healthy Mind and Body

If you are new to fitness, have no fear. Research suggests that even one workout can help lessen anxiety and boost your immune system. To sustain a health mind and body, develop a regular exercise plan with these tips in mind:

  • Choose a physical activity that you find enjoyable yet challenging. This will help you build endurance and resilience while keeping you motivated.

  • Try to incorporate cardio into whatever activity you choose. This will get your heart rate up, which has many benefits, including the release of endorphins and regulation of your internal clock to help you get a better night’s sleep.

  • If possible, get outside! Studies suggest that physical activity in nature, especially green and wooded areas, can have a calming effect on the brain.

  • Try working out with a friend or in a group setting. This will encourage you to work harder and increase accountability. Group fitness classes are a great option.

Maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health is important for all of us. That’s why we at Healthtrax take mind-body wellness seriously. We encourage you try our yoga and Pilates classes, which can benefit both your body and mind. Start your path to better health today for a happier tomorrow.