Fit Families – Fitness for Every Age

 Your commitment to fitness and exercise may ebb and flow in intensity over the years depending on what life phase you are in, but attention to good health always yields important lifelong benefits.  At Healthtrax, we believe in active families and strive to provide a healthy solution no matter your age.

family exercising


Working out with Kids

 Kids naturally love to exercise and, with parents as role models, the best thing young children can see is parents who also makes working out a priority. Our kidZONE provides healthy children’s programming, including homework stations and babysitting, so that you can spend time on yourself knowing they are well cared for. We also offer swim lessons and birthday parties. You can even bring your kids out on the basketball court for a game of pick-up during open court times. Healthtrax can become a place where children look forward to going.



As kids get older, their needs change. Starting at 9 years old and going up to age 13, they may enroll in the junior strength training program with a  Certified Trax Trainer. After completing at least 3 sessions, they can then join their parents on the fitness floor. We find that as kids get comfortable with their gym, most want to continue working with a trainer, building confidence and learning to set and achieve self-motivated goals. In addition, they still can access the same benefits in the kidZONE, including kids programs like Zumbatomic and homework stations, and some locations offer a separate Tween Zone area, so the older kids aren’t grouped with younger ones. We also offer swim lessons for all ages and ability levels.


Young Adult Membership

 Young adults, as they move into the 18-25 age group, experience lots of changes that may include further schooling and starting new jobs. They may also be relocating to new areas. We are aware of those challenge and responsibilities but know that regular exercise can help set up healthy habits for life. All Healthtrax locations offer a Young Adult Membership to help defray these costs and get you started on the right foot.



 As work-life balance responsibility grow, the time allotted for exercise shrinks. We have everything you need to get in, work out, and feel better - on your schedule.


Exercise Programs for Seniors

 You’ve probably heard the expression, “move it or lose it,” and it’s especially true for the 60+ cohort. Nothing will speed up the aging process quite like inactivity of the body. That’s why we celebrate active aging at Healthtrax. We work with several major insurance companies to offer senior discounts. In addition, all our programs for adults have modifications available for seniors, and our TraxTrainers specialize in working with individual needs to avoid injury and see consistent results.

 The specific amenities available may vary by location, but our mission is consistent no matter which Healthtrax you visit. Stop by the front desk to see how we can help introduce you to a great exercise regime, or grab a free guest pass to try it out yourself.



