group ride

Group Ride® is a huge calorie burner that builds great-looking legs! It’s a 60-minute cycling experience brought indoors. Roll over hills, chase the pack, spin the flats, climb mountains, and sprint to the finish! Feel the thrill of energetic music and group dynamics as you get all the benefits of authentic interval training. *Class offerings vary by location.




The “Ride” consists of ten tracks that make use of different terrains, speeds, and intensity levels to create a fun and highly effective cardiovascular workout. You will train a variety of speeds, resistance levels, and cycling positions that are all based on cycling principles. The speeds are controlled to ensure that everyone can “keep up.” As your fitness level and your confidence increase, you can crank up the resistance to challenge yourself even more. The ten tracks have a specific training objective:

1. RIDE – We jump on our bikes and begin the ride! Music kicks in, a few hellos to your neighbors, legs start turning over, and your body starts to get warm as you run through the cycling positions and techniques that will be used during the hour.
2. TERRAIN – The intensity begins to increase, and the workout feels like it really gets started. Sometimes the terrain is flat, sometimes it’s hilly, or maybe a mix of both, but it’s always an exciting ride.
3. ROLL – The pace comes down but the intensity does not. Rolling hills keep the physical intensity of the ride rising, while turning the workout feel toward strength-training.
4. INTERVALS – Repeated working sections, with quick recoveries between, push you toward higher intensity to increase your endurance.
5. CHASE – Get in the race, get out of breath, and challenge your fitness! The first physical peak of the workout improves your endurance by motivating you to break away from the pack.
6. SPIN – An opportunity to pull back the intensity and gather yourself, but also an opportunity to pick up the pace if you want to train endurance with smooth, quick pedaling. This is the calm after one storm and before the next one.
7. CLIMB – The road turns upward. The feel returns to strength. You'll notice the results in your legs from the heaviest resistance of the workout, as you challenge yourself to reach the top of a mountain peak.
8. SPRINT – With just four minutes of work left, you'll empty your tank in a race to the finish line. You'll finish this energetic sprint feeling spent but exhilarated.
9. CELEBRATE – You'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you look back on your workout while you take an easy spin to cool down from a great ride.
10. STRETCH – Wrap up your recovery and relax from your ride with some stress reversal for your muscles to make sure you'll walk as tall as you feel.


If you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, burn fat, shape and strengthen your lower body, and have fun doing it, then Group Ride is for you. Group Ride attracts people with all different levels of exercise experience, fitness, and exercise goals because you control the intensity of your workout by adjusting your own bike during class. Group Ride is ideal for: ► Men and women, conditioned or deconditioned exercisers, and those with or without cycling experience ► New exercisers looking for simplicity and the ability to work as hard as they want ►Avid cyclists looking for an indoor, off-season, or bad-weather-day cycling option ► Anyone looking to add variety to their workout ► Anyone looking for a low-impact option to build cardiovascular fitness.


Group Ride is a cardio workout, so you can do it once a week in conjunction with other workouts or you can do it most every day as your primary exercise routine. A beginner to exercise would not want to do too much too soon, but as fitness levels and the ability to recover improve, workout volume and intensity can increase. How you feel is the best gauge of your body’s recovery requirements between workouts.


It is perfectly normal to feel apprehensive and nervous before your first Group Ride workout. Most of us do not like to be “new” at something. Learning the feel of the bike seat and how to ride a stationary bike may take a bit of time. It is good to attend your first few workouts with this simple objective in mind: try not to concentrate so much on the quality of your workout — that will come later as you become more familiar with Group Ride. During your first few workouts, remind yourself that you have to start somewhere. Keep in mind that the goal is to elevate your heart rate, and as long as you keep moving you are doing that. Success is all about increasing your fitness and workout intensity over time, not about doing it all in one workout. In addition, your rear end may feel uncomfortable in the beginning, but you will adapt and become more comfortable. After Group Ride, know that your muscles may be sore. This is because your body is adjusting to the demands of the new activity. It is perfectly normal. Once your body begins to adapt and you become more comfortable with the equipment, the terminology, and the flow of the workout, you will find that Group Ride is fun and addictive!