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3 Benefits of a Corporate Health & Wellness Program for Your Employees

We are currently living through a time called, The Great Resignation. Employees around the country are leaving their jobs in droves due to the rising cost of living, limited opportunities, lack of benefits and burnout. High employee churn is costly to businesses. It is estimated that replacing an employee costs anywhere from one half to two times that persons salary.

It is reported that about 83% of US workers suffer from work related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives. Employee stress can be extremely costly to companies.

Staggering Workplace Stress Statistics: (Source: Zippa)

  • About one million Americans miss work each day because of stress.

  • Depression-induced absenteeism costs US businesses $51 billion a year as well as an additional $26 billion in treatment costs.

  • 80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half said they need help in learning how to manage stress.

You may not have any control over these rising costs, but you do have the opportunity to enhance your benefits package and lower employee burnout by adding health and wellness benefits to your arsenal.

What Is a Corporate Wellness Program?

A corporate wellness program is an organized employer sponsored program that is designed to support employees as they adopt and sustain behaviors that reduce health risks, improve quality of life and enhance productivity, all while assisting a company’s bottom line.

Your Corporate wellness program should include medical screenings, incentives for healthy behaviors, behavior change interventions, health coaching, fitness, nutrition, weight loss programs, social support and wellness challenges.

3 Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Program

1. Increases Productivity

In general, healthier employees are more productive. Companies that support workplace health have a greater percentage of employees at work every day. As business owners you all understand the negative impacts of absenteeism. Productivity losses due to absenteeism and presenteeism are a massive hidden cost to businesses, adding as much as 60% to the cost of healthcare benefits. Simply put, employees who feel well work well. A healthcare plan focused on wellness and preventative care fosters better overall job performance.

2. Helps Attract and Retain Top Talent

The best employees know their worth and can be picky about where to work. Providing extra health and wellness benefits is a great way to give your business a competitive edge in the labor market and show current and prospective employees that their health is a priority. 33% of people say that benefits and services offered for health and wellbeing is the most important factor when choosing an employer.

3. Reduces Healthcare Costs

The healthier employees are, the less employers will spend on healthcare. A workplace health program has the potential to keep employees in the low risk category by promoting health maintenance while also targeting unhealthy employees in the high risk category. In other words, your program can help keep employees healthy and out of the healthcare system. Most employers in the US saved between $1 and $3 in healthcare costs for every $1 spent on company wellness programs.

Get Started With Healthtrax’s Corporate Membership Program

The Healthtrax Corporate Membership Program is dedicated to helping you attract and retain valued team members. Since 1979, Healthtrax has been helping companies become physically and fiscally fit. Adding health and wellness benefits gives you an advantage in this competitive labor market.

With over 300 corporate partnerships and 15 locations throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina and Rhode Island we can help you create the perfect wellness program for your company. The best part, it will cost your company NOTHING!

Amenities your employees will enjoy:

Help your company thrive with wellness benefits from Healthtrax. For a health and wellness benefit program review or to learn more, fill out our form or  contact us!


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