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Why I need an Integrative Health Coach right now!

Do you have a hard time maintaining consistent healthy habits? Has the COVID-19 Worldwide pandemic negatively affected you? Feeling off-track and not sure how to get going in the right direction again? Work with an Integrative Health Coach and discover how to develop and realize your vision for optimal health.

Now, you may be wondering, “Hey, what exactly is that?” My name is Samantha Marcone and I am a Duke Certified Integrative Health Coach (IHC) and an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer or as we say fondly here at Healthtrax, a Trax Trainer.

Let me explain how an IHC can be a great asset to help you succeed in your health and wellness journey and lastly, why I became one.

An Integrative Health Coach is a client centered approach with a keen focus on empowering the client, in mind and in body. A certified practitioner is able to lead the client to best identify and reach health and fitness goals that they most desire and which may have alluded them after years of trying. Together, the coach will form a partnership to create your optimal health vision by using whole person approaches. What is a whole person approach you ask?

An approach that places all the emphasis on what health goals you want to set without the coach imposing what they feel is best onto you.  A health coach will never offer advice to you or tell you what is best.  Instead, we guide the client through the process to create this health vision for themselves.  Then as a Health Coach we are there to support and empower you so you can achieve your goals using a methodical step by step plan of realistic achievable and actionable items that we set up together. 

Tools used to help you identify and articulate your vision include conversational exploration with powerful questions to get to the core of your WHY it is that you are looking to make these changes.  Next, we will establish areas of accountability and explore possible barriers that tend to come up in day-to-day life and help you navigate in order to stay the course.  It is inevitable that life gets in the way of the ‘me’ time, right?  An Integrative Health Coach helps you identify and create a new, manageable system that works best in your own life. 

What works for one person may not work for another. As your IHC, I will help you identify what works best for YOU. With your co-operation and my education and experience I am here to help you achieve your vision.

Many people use Health Coaches in different areas of their lives, we will run through a few common ones below.

  • Stress management

  • Sleep quality

  • Weight loss

  • Chronic illness management

  • New diagnosis of illness

  • Life changes that are affecting health and wellness

  • Anxiety around exercise and nutrition

  • Fitness plateaus

  • Unsure of the next steps to take with one’s health

Plus, many, many more…

Now, I promised to share a bit of my professional journey and my WHY to become an Integrative Health Coach. I have been in the fitness industry for two decades. I LOVE my career and would never give up the personal training side of my career.  There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone achieve their fitness goals.  Over the years though I have noticed no matter how hard someone works out or tries a new diet, there are people who do not see the goals they pictured in their health vision. 

It wasn’t anything they were doing wrong, and it wasn’t anything I was doing wrong. So what was the difference?  The difference is the health goal they set out to do did not always align with their optimal health vision. Someone may tell me they want to lose 25lbs but they did not have the tools outside of the gym to achieve it.  Yes, they wanted to lose weight but when we got to the heart of it all and truly dug deep the vision changes to I want to lower my blood sugar, learn what foods are good for my body, feel good in my skin AND lose 25lbs. 

I had an epiphany at this point…. I thought this a completely different animal!  All the exercise in the world is not enough without the proper support and accountability in what’s going on outside of the gym for many of us.

Integrative Health Coaches help you merge all areas of your life into what ever health and wellness goals you achieve.

If any of this resonates with you perhaps a consultation makes sense. I am available to Healthtrax Members and non-members in the Warwick, RI community. Please email me at or go to

To find support where you live you can do a google search for Integrative Health Practitioner in my area.


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