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Join the 'Move Your Way' Movement!

May is officially National Move Your Way month, and Healthtrax is encouraging all members and non-members to join in on the fitness fun. There are tons of benefits of working out, both physically and emotionally. It’s all about finding what works best for you and knowing what works today may change a month from now.

In 2018, ODPHP developed the Move Your Way campaign with guidelines for Americans looking to stay physically fit. However, it’s no secret that our bodies are all very unique. That is why a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness just doesn’t cut it and exactly what Move Your Way is all about. Whether it’s coming to Healthtrax and walking on a Treadmill 30 minutes one day and completing a strength training workout the next there is no right or wrong way to get up and get active.

Want to set a few goals for yourself? Healthtrax Fitness & Wellness can help you reach your goals for May with this activity planner from Move Your Way. Start small to prove to yourself that you’re capable of anything, and slowly increase the difficulty of your goals to challenge yourself. You can do it!

Trying to get active as a family activity? Getting kids involved with family fitness can be difficult as well as keeping their attention on what activity you’re working on. Here are some tips from the Move Your Way on how to get your whole family involved in the movement:

·       Turn whatever activity it is that you’re doing into a game. Incorporate little challenges whenever you can so kids can have a healthy competition with each other or to track progress so they only compete with themselves benchmarking improvements made.

·       Pack a bag or trunk of your car. Including water, sunscreen and bug spray. This means frisbees, balls, hula hoops, hiking poles and any other portable gear to use outdoors.

·       Work as a team to complete outdoor chores to get your body moving and your heart pumping. Involve kids in planting vegetables to reap the fall harvest. Wash the car and enjoy the sunshine during the spring season!

No matter how you and your family move this month, remind yourself that everything counts. Physical activity can help boost your mood, sharpen your focus, reduce stress and improve your sleeping patterns. Even things that don’t feel like exercise can be good for you! Work in your garden, dance to your favorite song, push your children in a stroller or wagon on a leisurely walk, just move!

Overtime, these activities can help you in tremendous ways. Physical fitness helps lower your risk of diseases such as some cancers and type 2 diabetes. It can help control your blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight and lift your spirits. Exercise really is medicine, of the best kind.

So what are you waiting for? Join us and get moving your own way this month!

Share a picture  with Healthtrax on Facebook to motivate others on how you and your family are moving this month.