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Why Warmups and Cool-Downs Are Essential to Your Workout

Staying active and feeling good are key components to a healthy lifestyle. That means getting to the gym, participating in a group fitness class, or even trying new workouts such as yoga or Zumba. But a successful workout isn’t just about the workout itself—it’s what you do before and after.

Warming up and cooling down should always be part of your routine. The benefits can include everything from injury prevention to increased muscle gain—so why skip such an integral part of fitness? It’s common for gym-goers to forego a warmup or post-workout stretch because of time constraints, disinterest, or impatience. But here at Healthtrax, we know the benefits of taking your time when it comes to working out, and we’re here to help.

Before the Gym

There are a number of ways to kickstart your workout. Think about your pre-gym ritual this way: on a cold winter’s day, it’s considered best practice to let your car run for a little before driving it. Like warming up your car, your body needs time to increase muscle flexibility for a more efficient and safer workout.

Be sure to hydrate before a session and always remember to drink water during your workout. Proper hydration can maximize your performance and help regulate your body temperature and heart rate. It’s also important to replace the water you lose through sweat. Dehydration can cause lightheadedness, fatigue, and even make you feel sick.

After hydrating, warm up with full body stretches, holding each pose for 30 seconds each. If you’re in a bit of a time crunch, try to focus more of your attention on the areas of your body you intend to work out that day. Keep in mind that your warmup can be as quick as 5 to 10 minutes total; however, the more intense your workout, the longer your warmup should be. With the help of our Healthy Start program, Trax Trainers can walk you through stretching techniques to not only get your muscles moving, but help your overall flexibility as well.

Thinking of signing up for group fitness? Make sure to get to class on time so you can join the instructor in a group warmup that will target the muscles worked throughout the class.

Benefits of Warming Up:

  • Increased blood flow and muscle temperature can result in better performance.

  • Helps the body deliver oxygen to the muscle groups being exercised that day.

  • Working out with warmed muscles can decrease the chance of muscle-related injuries.

  • Get in the zone before your workout and be mentally prepared with more flexibility, speed, and strength.


After You Sweat

The main goal of a cool-down is to lower your heart and breathing rate, which will gradually decrease your overall body temperature and return your muscles to their original state. After your workout, your heart is beating faster than normal and your blood vessels are dilated. This means that if you stop too abruptly, you could potentially pass out or feel sick.

Try walking for about 5 to 10 minutes until your heart rate is below around 120 beats per minute. Once your heart is beating at a slower pace, move on to stretching. Like in your warmup, be sure to hold each stretch for about 30 seconds, or longer if you’re looking for a deeper stretch. Pro tip: avoid bouncing while holding poses. It may give off the illusion that you are working deeper into a stretch but could actually cause an injury. And don’t forget to breathe!

Treat (and reward) yourself post-workout by massaging your muscles in our HydroMassage Recovery Lounge, available at select Healthtrax locations. These deep-tissue, full-body massage chairs can be customized to your pressure setting of choice. In addition to promoting muscle relaxation and recovery, HydroMassage chairs can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. Consider also taking advantage of the sauna, steam room, and hot tub, if your fitness center offers them.

Benefits of Cooling Down

  • Cool-downs can last anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes and can include stretching and walking.

  • Cooling down gives your heart rate a chance to return to normal and helps you avoid lightheadedness.

  • Avoid general muscle fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness by stretching.

  • Your post-workout relaxation can be improved after a cool-down—take this time to reflect on your fitness accomplishments!

It’s important to remember that your warmup and cool-down are just as important as your workout and should always be included in your fitness regimen. Stretching and walking before and after strenuous activity will become second nature the more you practice!

Not sure where to start? Take a peek at our Healthy Start program at Healthtrax and let a Trax Trainer guide you toward a healthier lifestyle.


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