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Exercise for Tweens - Learn more about Junior Strength Training

August 4th is National Kids Day, a yearly observation started by KidsPeace to celebrate childhood and to commit to preparing kids for a healthy and happy future. At Healthtrax, we center our values around Fit Families for life, and that starts with building good workout strategies from a young age. There are many benefits to physical play for childhood health but being physically active as a child also helps build connections between nerve cells and the brain for better cognitive functioning at all ages. Keeping them engaged through various childhood moments can be challenging, but we have some suggestions for those tumultuous still kids, but not quite teenagers, ‘tween’ years.

 Exercise for Older Kids

In a previous blog post, we talked about fitness strategies for every age. For younger children, kidZONE has programming to get them moving, plus swim lessons are available at some Healthtrax locations. For that pivotal, 9 – 13 tween age range, Healthtrax offers a unique Junior Strength Training program that focuses on how to exercise safely and comfortably.

Strength Training for Kids

There has been a lot of focus on the benefits of strength training for adults, this extra attention has brought youth strength training into the spotlight too. The Jr. Strength Training program is mandatory for any child between 9-13 who wants to participate on any equipment on the exercise floor, but, more importantly, it lays a foundation for a lifelong understanding of fitness and gym equipment.

“Junior Strength allows us at fitness professions to guide and educate young exercisers with proper form and safety. We look at our junior strength program as their first step in a long journey of fitness. Getting them started in our facility is of utter importance to promoting a healthy and fit lifestyle. “ Dayton McPherson, Fitness Director Healthtrax North Haven

During the program, your child is paired with a certified Trax Trainer. Going beyond just the equipment the program uses, the Trainer will identify safe warm-up and cool-down techniques and how to set (and revise) goals as fitness levels increase. The major muscle groups are identified and a base understanding of how amazing the body really is, especially when setting foundations for a healthy life. Upon completion of the program, your child will be able to access the facility to practice everything they have learned, while still under parental supervision, with some exceptions.

“These sessions are a great stepping stone to learning what needs to be done and how to have a HUGE advantage on the field, the floor, the classroom and most importantly the rest of life! What you practice now becomes and stays natural later!” - Chris Elledge- Healthtrax Personal Trainer

Contact your local Healthtrax and learn more about the specific offerings that will help your kids grow into healthy adults. Parents who make working out a priority will pass along that commitment to their kids. As your children grow, even when it feels like they are growing apart, working out together is a great way to establish that baseline.


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