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Finding a Healthy Balance

We’ve all heard that a healthy lifestyle is essential to building balance in your life. But what happens when the absence of balance contributes to the lack of exercise motivation? The key is scheduling time to work out and eat right, then the equilibrium will come. And hopefully a little fun too!

Here are some tips to get you started:

Make time during the work day – Sneak in some exercise on your lunch hour or get up a little earlier and work out before you shower and get ready for the day.

Treat exercise like appointments – Add your plans to your calendar so you are more likely to feel committed. Try out a Small Group Training program and go with friends or sign up with a Trax Trainer. Knowing someone else is counting on you will help you stay on schedule.

Don’t forget the weekends – Make a longer workout part of your weekend plans. Try a new Group Fitness Class, like yoga or spinning, or bring the family to swim. The weekend is also a great time to work with a Trax Trainer and get to know some of the equipment you don’t use regularly.

Try healthy meal planning – Sunday is a great day to organize your meals for the week. Bringing daily lunches and knowing what you will have for dinner will help you to eat healthy regularly. The extra time that you save by prepping ahead is often the perfect time to fit in a work out.

Have fun! – We said this before, but it’s worth mentioning again: do something that makes you smile. The biggest part of balance is finding out what brings you joy. Another day on the treadmill got you down? Try something else! Here at Healthtrax, we take your physical & mental wellness very seriously.

Need some more ideas? Grab our free pass and come in to see us today! All of our locations have programs that are perfect for you and your family.


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